AltNetHouston: Opening Circle Video

Last weekend, I attended the AltNetHouston Open Spaces conference. Thanks to Ben Scheirman, Claudio Lassala, and J Sawyer for organizing the event and to Steven “Doc” List for facilitating. I especially enjoyed the sessions on FubuMVC and Why Blog and Open Source.
As with previous conferences, there were a number of people videoing the proceedings. I had my MinoHD camera, but had battery charging issues after my laptop died. I did record the Opening Circle Friday night and part of the FubuMVC session on Saturday.
If you are not familiar with Open Spaces conferences, the participants get together at the beginning of the conference and create the agenda as a group. Doc is an excellent facilitator. Ben opened the conference and then turned it over to Doc to explain how Open Spaces work. Finally, the attendants proposed sessions for the weekend.
Here is the Opening Circle video:
AltNetHouston: Opening Circle from Weston M. Binford III on Vimeo.
You can see other videos and session notes for most of the sessions on the HoustonAltNet wiki.