AltNetHouston: FubuMVC session

At the AltNetHouston Open Spaces conference last weekend, I convened a session on FubuMVC. Selfishly, I wanted to get Chad Myers and Jeremy Miller to talk more about their alternative MVC stack.
FubuMVC is an MVC framework built on .NET. It is often looked at as an alternative to Microsoft’s ASP.NET MVC. framework that shipped last month. FubuMVC is a framework that grew organically out of work that Jeremy and Chad were doing at Dovetail Software. The Fubu in FubuMVC is short for For Us By Us.
At Kaizenconf, they gave a workshop called Using and Abusing ASPNET MVC for Fun and Profit. Based on the interest from that workshop, Chad looked to recreate the framework that they were using at Dovetail as an open-source project. Over the Christmas break, he coded the core of framework (available on Google Code here).
Unfortunately, my laptop died during the AltNetHouston conference and I was unable to keep my MinoHD camera charged. So, I was only able to record the first half hour of the hour and ten minute session. There was another video recording. I will try and track that down and post a link here if and when it is available.
In the meantime, here is the first half hour:
AltNetHouston: FubuMVC from Weston M. Binford III on Vimeo.
Also, here are the Session Notes.

As I have mentioned in the comments, it appears that there were some technical difficulties with the audio for the video of the AltNetHouston FubuMVC session. I guess that's what I get for rushing it out there without trying to watch it from the website myself. Since the Open Circle video seems to not share the same technical difficulties, I am hoping that re-uploading the video will resolve the issue. It is uploading as we speak.
In the meantime, I was able to download the video directly from the Vimeo site using the link in the bottom right corner and play it locally without audio difficulties. (Yes, it appears you can download the old video while I am uploading the new video.) Also, AzamSharp recorded the audio and created a podcast that you can get on the HighOnCoding podcast available here.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Okay. It appears that the re-uploading the video fixed the issue. Please let me know if you have any other issues.

Corrected the link for the HighOnCoding FubuMVC podcast.

Reader Comments (3)
So, it turns out there is some sort of problem with the sound in the embedded video. The source file appears to be okay. Vimeo has recommendations for bit rates, compression, etc. for uploading videos. The Opening Circle video seemed to upload fine. So, first I am going to re-upload it. If it still fails, I'll delve into this issue further tomorrow evening.
the url for here is wrong
should be
notice the dot at the end :).
@sirrocco Thanks for the corrected link. I have updated it above.